I have come to know deeply that my voice is strong and that my words matter more than I could once have possibly imagined.
I intuit, feel and hear a voice that has its foundation in love. The love from which this voice emanates permeates every word so I must choose words with care.
A single voice from its deepest source is, actually, the voice of everyone. It ignores things like ego and judgment, history and accomplishment, temperament and lifestyle, opinion and desire, dogma and affiliation.
It’s the voice that waits patiently while we think we have another agenda.
I have come to realize that the voice asks for more of my attention when I sense the violation of others. Violation has nothing to do with fairness or equality, which are subjective.
I’ve also noticed that once in awhile violation partners with courage to become voice.
When I hear the voice of violation and I sense its underlying courage, I recognize it as a catalyst to act.
The voice of action is completely desensitized to apathy, fear or conformity. In its calmly insistent way, it compels action.
Assault… verbal, physical, emotional… is violation. It has no qualifiers.
This is a voice for the final cessation of men’s brutality againt women.
The world I see is extinguished of the battering, belligerent, dominant behavior men impose upon women. Men in this world have the courage to listen to their own aspect of the voice which guides them away from brutality of any kind and into partnership and counsel.
The voice that speaks softly also softens experience. It frequently produces the effect that the events, people and circumstances that surround me have a surreal quality; yet I circle around to the felt understanding that what’s in my experience matters.
I have come to know deeply that my voice is strong and that my words matter more than I could once have possibly imagined.
I know this to be true of all others.